Thursday, 18 July 2013


Happiness- the word itself spreads a wide smile on my face when I hear it. Reasons unknown. And yes, I am smiling broadly while I am writing this post. I want to make a ' :D ' smiley here, but you know, that wouldn't look cool here, as I am TRYING to be a little serious. Anyway, proceeding further, I sometimes feel LUCKIEST are the people who say that they are happy. Mind you, there are not many you'll find calling themselves happy. Ask to the people around you, and you'll come across myriad PROBLEMS almost everyone cries. They feel that they have the worst life. Have you ever wondered what the reasons could be for this sad state of mind? If you haven't yet, please give it a thought. I pondered over this, and the first word that crossed my mind is DESIRES. Yes, the only word I feel is related to happiness, both positively and negatively.
Desires- the desire to get what we want- can be anything from getting a smartphone to owning a big bungalow, and from the thought of being loved and admired by someone to the thought of getting famous worldwide. There is no end to our desires. Once we get something we badly wanted, we feel [momentarily] happy, our eyes, our mind , even our heart, starts looking for another BIG DESIRE to fill the void created by the ''fulfilled wish". We feel ecstatic and enthusiastic for our next target. This is the POSITIVE aspect of desires, because it makes us alive again, and pushes us forward to dreaming again. But not always our every wish gets fulfilled, as you must be aware of the quote -''Not everyone gets everything'', and this is where the NEGATIVE aspect of our desires comes into picture. When we don't get what we want, we cry, we mourn, we become saddened, we feel heartbroken. Wise are those people who accept the truth, move on and look for the alternatives, and try again to get succeeded.  But people who feel that the life hasn't done good to them, bear the burden and burnt of their own desires. They never feel contentment, they are never satisfied, and for the very reason, they are never happy.
The only way to happiness is inner CONTENTMENT, and to become contended is synonymous to having minimum desires. The less the number of desires, the more will be the contentment and happiness. If you truly want something, give your best, strike hard, and get that, for the happiness that comes from achieving is second to none. But, also be prepared for the worst, because life takes its own turns. Happiness comes when it is least expected, and then it tastes best. Choice is yours, if you want to embrace it, open up your arms and enjoy yourself the life. With this, I stop for today, wishing you a lot of happiness.

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